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Travel with Educational Travel Collaborative is Uniquely Documentable and Professionally Valuable

All travel brings transformative value.  The combination of our expertise as explorers and our decades of experience as educators and university admissions professionals allow us to support you in focusing and documenting your learning like no one else can!

In an increasingly competitive world, individuals are willing to go to increasingly great lengths to set themselves apart from the pack - university admissions scandals, private admissions counselors, and exaggerated resumes come to mind.  At ETC we offer an alternative approach - supporting young people in engaging in travel, international service, and global intellectual exchange in a way that is truly unique and unprecedented.  All travel has value, but there are numerous ways in which our unique organizational structure and qualifications allow us to support young people in setting themselves apart - personally, professionally, and intellectually.

Our Team Increases the Verifiable Value of your Experiences by...

Online Class

Refining your Vision in Alignment with your Goals

A huge part of what makes us so special as an organization is the diversity of expertise our collaborative team brings to your educational travel planning.  Whether it's a guided excursion we lead or supporting you in your own independent adventure, this breadth and depth of experience allows us to work with you to clearly articulate a personal, professional, or academic area of interest, and directly connect the inquiry you are doing on the road to that subject in a meaningful and impressive way.

Supporting the Documentation of your Achievements

In our roles as educators, assessors, administrators, supervisors, admissions professionals, coaches, and service coordinators, we've seen so many successful and unsuccessful attempts to accurately convey the value of experiences undertaken by young people.  We can support you with a plan to document your learning in a way that is both meaningful and viable, tailored to both your destination and area of focus.  You'll be able to not only convey where you traveled but what you achieved and how this sets you apart!

Image by Tyler Nix
Checking Text on a Document

Communicating and Capitalizing on Your Achievements

Professionals know that showcasing achievements isn't just listing what you did - it's about telling the story of what it meant.  A good resume doesn't simply mention your responsibilities, it demonstrates how you excelled at them and exceeded expectations.  Framing your educational travel journey is no different, and we are happy to work with our clients around this important step - with a continuous focus on your goals, your audience, and the genuine values of the inquiry you've engaged in on the road.  Additionally, as qualified educators, our verification of your claims carries weight a recommendation from a traditional student travel operator simply does not.

We are extremely proud of the space we've created in the educational travel world!  Let us show you why:

Our elite team of experienced educators and adventurers allows us to offer guided and independent travel opportunities with uniquely verifiable value, while meeting the highest standards for sustainability and safety.  Wherever it is you want to explore in this worldwe can help you get there, engage, and grow.

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